(Affiliated by the Medical Board of Biochemic medicine& Biochemic System of medicine is Recognised by the Govt of India.)
मेडिकल बोर्ड ऑफ़ बायोकेमिक मेडिसिन ने माननीय उच्चन्यालय (हाईकोर्ट) में एक याचिका प्रस्तुत की जिसमे यह मांग की गई कि बायोकेमिक चिकित्सा पद्धति एक शासकीय मान्यता प्राप्त चिकित्सा पद्धति है जिसका विकास शासन द्वारा नहीं हो रहा है अतएव हमारी संस्था को बायोकेमिक चिकित्सा पद्धति का शिक्षण प्रशिक्षण एवं रजिस्ट्रेशन करने का अधिकार दिया जावे तथा बायोकेमिक की याचिका हाईकोर्ट ने स्वीकार की एवं बोर्ड को शासकीय मान्यता प्राप्त चिकित्सा पद्धति के शिक्षण प्रशिक्षण का अधिकार प्रदान किया।
The college was established in the year, to promote and maintain for imparting education and training in Biochemic Science (Twelve Tissues Remedies), and other allied subjects.Those students who have passed 2 years D.B.M.S. Course are successfully practicing in rural and urban areas of Madhya Pradesh and other states also and spreading the advantage of Biochemic Medical Science amongst the country and to create a platform for betterment of mankind. Biochemic science competes with any other branch of science in an effective and sure way to cure.The word Biochemic is derived from Greek origin, BIOS, meaning," LIFE", and Chemistry, therefore meaning, the "Chemistry of Life." Indeed these words which gave eminent, Dr.MED.W.H.SCHUESSLER, immense inspiration, that, "The structure and vitality of organs depends upon the presence of necessary quantities of in-organic constituents.
Biochemic System of Treatment Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich SchusslerThe German physician Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler (born on 21st August,1821, at Zwischenahn/Oldenburg), after 15 year of homeopathic practice, became particularly interested as a capable homoeopath in the most important inorganic salts of which the human body ist composed, and in their quantitative relations 1873 is considered the birth year of biochemistry. In 1874 Schussler’s first work appeared. Its title was “An Abridged Therapy on the Basis of Physiology and Cellular Pathology”. The thesis he propounded in this work was: The inorganic substances found in blood and tissues are sufficient to cure all diseases that can be cured”. This statement ist of course true today only in very limited sense. It would be more accurate to say “…they help to cure all disease that can be cured, and in particular they help to regulate constitutional disturbances.Schussler based his Biochemic therapeutic on the cell-activity. He started from the fact that the salts which remain after combustion from an essential part of every cell, and that any change in their proper quantitative relations will disturb normal cell function and cause disease.The biochemic remedies were not selected according to the similarity principle of homoeopathy. They are chemically pure salts, homogeneous to the cell-minerals in human body, physiologically and chemically in close relation them.
Thus the cells will recover, and will be able to overcome the disease completely.Schussler at first made use of 12 and later of only 11 mineral substances and from them built up a comprehensive therapeutic system. Here all 12 substances are discussed, since also Calcarea sulfuric, which Schussler later abandoned, has proved its value as a therapeutic agent.
About us MEDICAL BOARD OF BIOCHEMIC MEDICINE Biochemic treatment methodology is a government recognised treatment methodology. It is recognised by Central Health Ministry and also by various state health ministries, but there was no training being provided by central or state government because of which medical board of biochemic medicine. Biochemic treatment methodology is a medical practice which is recognised by the government which growth and development is not being done by the government, so our organisation should be granted the authority to tech and train and provide registration for Biochemic Treatment Practice. The high court has accepted the petition and granted our board has the organisation to teach and train this government recognised biochemic treatment methodology. The copy of high court order could be seen in the college. All the medicines of biochemic treatment practice are easily available on all homeopathic store and by this treatment new and old disease are cured in less expenditure.
BIOCHEMIC:Biochemic means, the Tissue Remedies. That is complete by separated from the Homoeopathy System of Medicine. Biochemic Medicine is the fulfilment of deficiency caused to the body and Homeopath Treatment means to treat the Symptom of similarity. In Biochemic Treatment the use of Compound or Complex Medicines.
Homoeo Organon says application of only one medicine in minimum dose, application of 2 or more medicines at a time is against the Principle of Homoeopathy. On the contrary the State and Central Health Department gave Permission to produce Mother Tincture as a complex medicine. i.e., Patent Medicine according to the drug & cosmetic act. According to the Principle of Homoeopathy Organon.